In 1970, Dr. Younas had just started his dental practice in Gujranwala, Pakistan. Coming from a humble background with struggling meager means, he was the hope of his family. Afterall it was his turn now to provide for his newly married wife and his greater family. With this conviction and at the mere age of 28, he started a dental practice in Gujranwala.

It was however a random act that led him to change his course forever. In August 1971, he was asked by his friend, Ahmad Hussain, to watch a film in Lahore. Lahore was about 50 miles from Gujranwala, and in the spirit of friendship during his day off he trekked off to watch this now unremarkable film. After the movie, Ahmad asked Dr. Younas to assist him to visit the proximal US embassy. Ahmad  had heard the US consulate was issuing green cards. Although Ahmad never really planned to emigrate, Ahmad was amused about visiting the consulate. Afterall, Ahmad pointed out that the US consulate had free cold water and more importantly air conditioning. Ahmad was easily convinced to apply, as Dr. Younas watched onwards. Upon completion of his application, the clerk courteously asked Dr. Younas to apply as well. Funny the simple act of time, place and person triggered Dr. Younas to apply. He had never even considered leaving Gujranwala, let alone Pakistan. For how could he. Dr. Younas was just recently married to Shahana and they just had their first son in 1970.

U.S. Embassy, Karachi, Pakistan.

Upon returning to Gujranwala from a long day, he remembered discussing the movie, however failed to mention the visit to the embassy. Afterall, it was really just a random application triggered by the courteous clerk. It was a few months later, in March of 1972, when Dr. Younas received mail notice from the US consulate that his green card application had been approved. Up to this point Dr. Younas had completely forgotten about his application. When he mentioned it to Shahana, she knew this was their moment. Elated at the chance to travel and create a better life, Shahana immediately was convinced their future lied in the promised land. She provided the strength and conviction to leave Pakistan. At this point they just had their second son, Baber, and the promise of the US seemed too compelling. Shahana knew that as a young family, she wanted to provide her boys the best of education and opportunities.

Dr. Younas with his wife and one of two sons outside Seattle.

In June 1972, Dr. Younas migrated to New York with merely $20. At this time, there were too few Pakistani immigrants in NYC. However, Ahmad had too moved and he had a place to stay. In Sept 1972, Shahana along with their 2 sons also emigrated to New York and joined Dr. Younas. Through financial struggles, eventually Dr. Younas obtained his dental license and over time has been the foundation of supporting multiple family members to emigrate to the US for a better life. For the American dream is still very much alive today.

Dr. Younas and Shahana went on to become a founding member of MMSI. Through the years, they have helped countless community members through various personal and professional challenges. They have raised 2 children, who both have become medical doctors and beacons in their society.

Sometimes, just sometimes, random events can forever change and transform so many lives.